I am reading the paper "Monad Transformers Step by Step" and making my way through the examples.
In the eval0 example, there is an intentional non-exhaustive pattern in a case
eval0 :: Env -> Exp -> Value
eval0 env (Lit i) = IntVal i
eval0 env (Var n) = fromJust (Map.lookup n env)
eval0 env (Plus e1 e2) = let IntVal i1 = eval0 env e1
IntVal i2 = eval0 env e2
in IntVal (i1 + i2)
eval0 env (Abs n e) = FunVal env n e
eval0 env (App e1 e2) = let val1 = eval0 env e1
val2 = eval0 env e2
in case val1 of
FunVal env' n body ->
eval0 (Map.insert n val2 env') body
Is there any way to suppress the exception "Non-exhaustive patterns in case" without adding a
_ -> error "Error"
to the end of the case
? Later examples in the paper show how to handle this situation using the ErrorT
monad transformer.
Yes indeed! Just add the appropriate pragma at the top of your file to suppress the undesired warnings.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
You can find a complete list (I think) of how to turn off individual warnings like so
bash> man ghc | grep no-warn
Obviously, you can also pass -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns
when you start up ghci
bash> ghci -Wall -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns myfile.hs