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raphael pie chart always blue when there is only 1 value (how to set color of a pie with one slice)

I am having an issue with raphael pie charts. The data I am using is dynamic, and in some instances, only 1 value is returned, meaning the whole chart is filled, as it is the ONLY slice. The problem is that when there is only 1 value, it ignores my color designation.

For example: Below is the creation of a raphael pie chart with 2 values, and each slice has the proper color designated in the "colors" section:

var r = Raphael("holder");  
r.piechart(160, 136, 120, [100,200],{colors: ["#000","#cecece"]});

This works fine, and I get two properly sized slices, one black, and one grey.

However the example below creates one full pie, ALWAYS filled with blue, regardless of my color setting.

var r = Raphael("holder");  
r.piechart(160, 136, 120, [100],{colors: ["#000"]});

In this situation, I really need that full pie to be black, as it is set in "colors"

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?


  • INMO its a bug cause when the pie got only one slice its color is hard coded...

    Here is how I solved it (all I did is use the colors arg if it exist...)

    in g.pie.js after line 47 add this

    var my_color =  chartinst.colors[0];
    if(opts.colors !== undefined){
        my_color =  opts.colors[0];

    then in the following line (line 48 in the original js file)

    series.push(, cy, r).attr({ fill: chartinst.colors[0]....

    replace the chartinst.colors[0] with my_color

    that's it

       if (len == 1) {
            var my_color =  chartinst.colors[0];
            if(opts.colors !== undefined){
                my_color =  opts.colors[0];
            series.push(, cy, r).attr({ fill: my_color,   ....