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Universal Apps workflow

So far I've only dealed with iPhone Apps and the time has come to make them universal. I was watching the lecture about universal Apps by Paul Hegarty on iTunesU and some questions poped into my head.

If I understood the concep allright the main difference between an iPad and an iPhone (when coding) is that the iPad allows the splitview controller and one should take advantadge of it, right?

What Mr. Hegarty did was to adapt the code on one App and add conditionals to differ when the App was running on an iPad or an iPhone.

My question is, is that the usual way it is done? I am a very organized guy and I like stuff to be as much structured as possible. So my first though was to create a complete set of view controllers to manage the iPad storyboard rather that have a single view controller filled with code for both devices. is it possible to do so as well? what is considered to be a good practice?

Thanks in advance!


  • I think a good practice for a universal app would be reuse as much code as possible. Otherwise, why not create two different apps?

    There are not that many differences between iphone and ipad controls except on iPad we can use popover and split view. So I would share the code in view controller as much as I can.