I maintain an old application written in VB6. In client's environment it raises runtime errors which I can't reproduce under debugger. Is there any way to get the stacktrace or location of error?
I mean, without putting trace statements all over the code like here or adding error handlers for logging to every procedure like here.
It seems to be a simple question. Sorry. I just don't know VB6 very well. And it is surprisingly hard to google out any information, considering how widely it is (or used to be) used.
Try compiling to pcode and see if you still get the error. This is one common difference between the debug mode of VB6 and runtime. I used to compile to native and ran into errors that only occurred in runtime. When I switched to pcode I found either the error went away or more likely a new error that reflected the real problem cropped up and was more easily reproduced in debug mode.
If despite that you still getting the error then I really recommend starting at the top of your procedure stack and working you way down using Maero's suggestion of
On Error Goto Handler
Exit <routine>
Err.Raise Err.Number, "(function_name)->" & Err.source, Err.Description
It is a pain but there is no real way around it.