I'm trying to grasp GADTs
, and I have looked at the GADTs example in GHC's manual. As far as I can tell, it is possible to do the same thing with MultiParamTypeClasses
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
class IsTerm a b | a -> b where
eval :: a -> b
data IntTerm = Lit Int
| Succ IntTerm
data BoolTerm = IsZero IntTerm
data If p a = If p a a
data Pair a b = Pair a b
instance IsTerm IntTerm Int where
eval (Lit i) = i
eval (Succ t) = 1 + eval t
instance IsTerm BoolTerm Bool where
eval (IsZero t) = eval t == 0
instance (IsTerm p Bool, IsTerm a r) => IsTerm (If p a) r where
eval (If b e1 e2) = if eval b then eval e1 else eval e2
instance (IsTerm a c, IsTerm b d) => IsTerm (Pair a b) (c, d) where
eval (Pair e1 e2) = (eval e1, eval e2)
Note, that we have the exact same constructors and the exact same code for eval
(spread cross the instance definitions) as in GHC's GADTs
So what's all the fuzz about GADTs
? Is there anything that I can do with GADTs
that I can't do with MultiParamTypeClasses
? Or do they just provide a more concise way of doing things that I could do with MultiParamTypeClasses
You can put GADT values of the same type but with different constructors into a container conveniently,
map eval [Lit 1, If (IsZero (Lit 3)) (Lit 4) (Succ (Lit 6))]
is straightforward, but to obtain the same using distinct types and MPTCs with functional dependencies is difficult at the least. In your Multiparameter type class approach, Lit
and If
are constructors of different types, so one would need a wrapper type to put them into the same container. The wrapper type would, as far as I can see, have to be an existential type à la
data Wrap t = forall a. (IsTerm a t) => Wrapper a
with an
instance IsTerm (Wrap t) t where
eval (Wrapper e) = eval e
to ensure some type safety and the ability to map
functions like eval
over the list. So you're half-way or more back to GADTs, minus the convenience.
I'm not sure there's anything GADTs allow you to do that you can't achieve without them, but some things would sacrifice a lot of elegance.