I wrote this code which is working but it made me start thinking how should I use MSMQ: Should I use a "using" statement to get the message queue? the Using statement will handle getting rid of the queue when I am done with it, but when am I done with it? Should I save my MessageQueue object for reuse. Lets say this is in an ASP.Net application and I want to send 3 messages to the same queue from the same action. Save the object and reuse or create and dispose as I am right now?
using (MessageQueue msgQueue = new MessageQueue(this.queueName))
using (MessageQueueTransaction msgTx = new MessageQueueTransaction())
Message recoverableMessage = null;
recoverableMessage = new Message();
recoverableMessage.Body = message;
recoverableMessage.Formatter = new BinaryMessageFormatter(System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple, System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle.TypesAlways);
recoverableMessage.Recoverable = true;
msgQueue.Send(recoverableMessage, msgTx);
////this.msgQ.Send(recoverableMessage, msgTx); //whats up here??? this will teach me for taking time off. not sure whuc I shuold use
result = recoverableMessage.Id;
catch (Exception)
if (recoverableMessage != null)
In general, you should keep objects alive as short as possible. This is to prevent .NET garbage collector from moving those objects from generation 0 to generation 1 and so on. This will help to reduce memory consumption & number of garbage collections.
Having said that, the only reason to keep a message queue object alive would be to post multiple messages to the same queue as part of a single transaction or scope.
If the three messages are sent during a single page request, then you create a new instance of the message queue, send the messages and dispose of the queue each time a page is rendered.
For details on thread satefy etc. you should refer to the documentation.
For example, MSDN says that only the GetAllMessages
method is thread safe. I would then assume that the rest of the API isn't thread safe. However, this only means that a single instance of MessageQueue
object should not be accessed concurrently by multiple threads. You can create multiple instances of MessageQueue
pointing to the same queue fine.
Regarding performance, I think you may be trying to optimise prematurely. I suggest profiling your software (only the release build) and putting it under some load. That's the only way you'll get a reliable answer.