I have a string with "." like https://mysite.com/Relation=My.Test.AL.?Path=MySymbolPath when I create uri from it the "." is truncated. https://mysite.com/Relation=My.Test.AL?Path=MySymbolPath
var uristring = "https://mysite.com/Relation=My.Test.AL.?Path=MySymbolPath";
var uri = new Uri(Uri.EscapeUriString(uristring ));
See uristring has "AL.", but uri.AbsoluteUri does not, it has "AL" Do you know how to prevent it?
There is a known bug in .NET framework. Workaround exists. Thanks see HttpWebRequest to URL with dot at the end
How to create a Uri instance parsed with GenericUriParserOptions.DontCompressPath