I am importing sample.http from http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/server/http_in_container.php into eclipse , using tomcat 7 as server (linux platform). It shows several problems such as :
BundleActivator cannot be resolved to a type
No available bundle exports package 'javax.servlet.http'
and several such errors due to plugin dependencies not being imported. (If I try with tomcat 6,it works). Can someone point out what changes I should make for making the dependencies compatible with tomcat 7 ?
The problem is the org.eclipse.equinox.http.servletbridge jar. It exports Servlet javax.servlet 2.3 but for Tomcat 7 you need javax.servlet 3.0
Maybe you can open up the jar file and fix that, but I have wasted quite some time with this construction, and never got it right. It is 5 years old, and that means trouble.
For me Felix worked a lot better, there is a clearer and more consistent explanation.
Take a look here: apache felix
I think with this setup you could still use Equinox with the FrameworkLauncher, if that is necessary