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WPF ValidationRules disables PropertyChanged

I have the following textbox that have a propertychanged in the viewmodel. When I insert the Binding.ValidationRules and I insert some wrong value, it doesn't trigger the propertychanged event and I don't understand why. Any help?

<TextBox Name="RiskCode" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="101.923,8,0,81" TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="56.077" MaxLength="6" Validation.ErrorTemplate="{StaticResource validationTemplate}"
         Style="{StaticResource textBoxInError}">
        <Binding Path="RiskCode" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged">


  • Use ValidationStep.

    • RawProposedValue - Runs the ValidationRule before any conversion occurs.
    • ConvertedProposedValue - Runs the ValidationRule after the value is converted.
    • UpdatedValue - Runs the ValidationRule after the source is updated.
    • CommittedValue - Runs the ValidationRule after the value has been committed to the source.

    By default, it's RawProposedValue, which prevents the binding to source from ever occurring - hence your confusion. Use a different option instead:

       <vm:RiskCodeValidation ValidationStep="UpdatedValue" />