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FluentValidation validator not being called

I have a MVC 3 site but am using the non-MVC FluentValidation dll. I've created a validator class and in the constructor put all my RuleFors and then set an attribute on my model class thus


The problem is that the constructor on the validator class never gets called. I think it might be because I am not using the MVC version of the dll, but then I could not get that version to work for me either.

Any help would be appreciated.




  • In your Application_Start make sure that you have initialized the custom fluent validation model validator provider otherwise nothing will happen:


    The FluentValidationModelValidatorProvider class is defined inside the FluentValidation.Mvc assembly. Please take a look at the documentation for integrating FluentValidation into an ASP.NET MVC site.

    The validator will be triggered when you invoke a controller action taking a model decorated with the [Validator] attribute as argument:

    public ActionResult Process(MyViewModel model)