Users are unique in the db (stored in users table) and contacts are stored in the contacts table and are only unique per a given address book.
I'm currently using the Sorcery gem for users, which is working great. However, how can I extend this to support authentication for contact to login?
I've read a bit into doing this via STI or polymorphic setup, but unclear on what the general pattern is for something like this.
Can I simply have both models use Sorcery? Or is that an anti-pattern?
Thanks in advance!
Why are you using a separate model for contacts? Why not just set up a self-join like:
has_many :contact_entries, :class_name => "ContactEntry"
has_many :contacts, :through => :contact_entries
Your user table would look the same, but you would have a join model like:
class ContactEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :contact, :foreign_key => "contact_id", :class_name => "User"
Which would have a user_id and contact_id field.
Okay, I see your issue now. I don't think this will be possible with sorcery, at least not without making substantial edits to sorcery itself. Sorcery defines a single authenticatable model in the file initializer.rb.
Authlogic, however, can be brought into any model via "acts_as_authentic", so it is a plausible solution to your needs. The drawback is that authlogic doesn't seem to be actively developed. It had a fair amount of activity 10 days ago, however, so it's definitely worth looking in to.