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How do I get the tristate jquery plugin to check the hidden input?

I have been working for a client that is using the tristate jquery plugin and after a bunch of debugging I have found that the hidden input is not showing up:

        <a href="#" class="checkbox checked">undefined</a>
        <input type="checkbox" style="display: none; " />
        <label for="england" class="checkbox">England</label>
        <span class="toggler opened">&nbsp;</span>
        <ul style="display: block; ">
            <li class="city">
                <a href="#" class="checkbox checked">undefined</a>
                <input type="checkbox" value="leeds" id="cb_leeds" style="display: none; " />
                <label for="cb_leeds" class="checkbox" >Leeds</label>
            <li class="city">
                <a href="#" class="checkbox checked">undefined</a>
                <input type="checkbox" value="london" id="cb_london" style="display: none; " />
                <label for="cb_london" class="checkbox checked" >London</label>

I found that in the plugin that they are using they have this in their script:

$('#pf-locations .city input:checked').each(function() {

Anyone know how I can get the plugin to check the hidden input? Thanks!


  • You can try this:

    $('#pf-locations .city label.checked').each(function() { // keeping ref of label
        cities.push($(this).prev(':checkbox').val()); // using label ref get input value