I've been working on this for a bit of time now, trying to create a frequency distribution database side:
from itertools import permutations
import sqlite3
def populate_character_probabilities(connection, table="freq_dist", alphabet='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'):
c = connection.cursor()
c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tablename".replace('tablename', table))
c.execute("create table tablename (char1 text, char2 text, freq integer);".replace("tablename", table))
char_freq_tuples = [x + (1,) for x in list(permutations(alphabet, 2)) + [(alpha, alpha) for alpha in alphabet + 'S' + 'E']]
c.executemany("insert into tablename values (?,?,?);".replace("tablename", table), char_freq_tuples)
def populate_word_list(connection, table="word_list"):
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tablename".replace('tablename', table))
cursor.execute("create table tablename (word text);".replace('tablename', table))
cursor.executemany("insert into tablename values (?)".replace('tablename', table), [[u'nabisco'], [u'usa'], [u'sharp'], [u'rise']])
def update_freq_dist(connection, word_list="word_list", freq_dist="freq_dist"):
cursor = connection.cursor()
subset = cursor.execute("select * from tablename;".replace("tablename", word_list)).fetchmany(5)
for elem in subset: # want to process e.g.: 5 at a time
elem = 'S' + elem[0] + 'E' # Start and end delimiters
for i in xrange(len(elem) - 1):
freq = cursor.execute("SELECT freq FROM tablename WHERE char1=? and char2=?;".replace("tablename", freq_dist), (elem[i], elem[i + 1])).fetchone()
cursor.execute("UPDATE tablename SET freq=? WHERE char1=? and char2=?;".replace("tablename", freq_dist), (freq + 1, elem[i], elem[i + 1]))
connection.commit() # seems inefficient having two queries here^
if __name__ == '__main__':
connection = sqlite3.connect('array.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()
print cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM freq_dist;").fetchmany(10)
(Wow, got that 180 line codebase down to 37 for a test-case! :D - Note that the actual word list is 29 million not 4!!!)
I realised that:
inner loopHowever I'm unsure how I can solve either problem.
Can you think of a solution?
Do you just want to update the frequency with a + 1?
UPDATE tablename
SET freq = freq + 1
WHERE char1=? and char2=?;
Or, if you're updating from another table:
UPDATE tablename
SET freq = t2.freq + 1 -- whatever your calc is
FROM tablename t1
JOIN othertable t2
ON t1.other_id = t2.id
WHERE t1.char1=? and t1.char2=? and t2.char1=? and t2.char2=?
As for iterating 5 at a time - you can use limit and offset clauses to get something close.