This issue has me baffled, it's affecting a single user (to my knowledge) and hasn't been reproduced by us...
The user is receiving a MissingMethodException, our trace file indicates it's occuring after we create a new instance of a component, when we're calling an Initialize/Setup method in preparation to have it do work (InitializeWorkerByArgument in the example)
The Method specified by the error is an interface method, which a base class implements and classes derived from the base class can override as-needed
The user has the latest release of our application
All the provided code is shipped within a single assembly
Here's a very distilled version of the component:
class Widget : UserControl
public void DoSomething(string argument)
private void InitializeWorkerByArgument(string argument)
switch (argument)
case "SomeArgument":
this.Worker = new SomeWidgetWorker();
// The issue I'm tracking down would have occured during "new SomeWidgetWorker()"
// and would have resulted in a missing method exception stating that
// method "DoWork" could not be found.
this.Worker.DoWorkComplete += new EventHandler(Worker_DoWorkComplete);
private IWidgetWorker Worker
void Worker_DoWorkComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("All done");
interface IWidgetWorker
void DoWork();
event EventHandler DoWorkComplete;
abstract class BaseWorker : IWidgetWorker
virtual public void DoWork()
RaiseDoWorkComplete(this, null);
internal void RaiseDoWorkComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (DoWorkComplete != null)
DoWorkComplete(this, null);
public event EventHandler DoWorkComplete;
class SomeWidgetWorker : BaseWorker
public override void DoWork()
RaiseDoWorkComplete(this, null);
Given the rarity of the problem, it seems likely that this is the result of a broken software environment on that one user's computer.