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RegEx for ICQ UIN

What RegularExpressionValidator.ValidationExpression should I use to allow only ICQ UIN like input?

xxx-xxx-xxx and xxx-xxx-xx and xx-xxx-xxx and xxxxxxxxx so on..

i.e. with dash as separator and without.


  • You can use the following simple expression.


    The drawback is, that it allows things like 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. If you want to restrict the layout more, you can use complexer expressions.


    This expression asserts that the string contains exactly eight or nine numbers and some dashes using the positive look ahead assertion (?=([0-9]-?){8}). Then it matches groups of two or three numbers optionaly separated by dashes and finally asserts that the string does not end with a dash using the negative look behind assertion (?<!-).

    This still allows some irregular patterns like 12-34567-89. If you want to eliminate them, too, you will have to list all allowed patterns. But I suggest not to do so, but allow as much flexibility as possible - I would allow every string with eight or nine numbers and any number of dashes - even --123---4-5-67--8 and then reformt the user input in a predefined format.
