I've researched and need to find the best way to replace a need with an array of possibilities randomly.
$text = "Welcome to [city]. I want [city] to be a random version each time. [city] should not be the same [city] each time.";
$keyword = "[city]";
$values = array("Orlando", "Dallas", "Atlanta", "Detroit", "Tampa", "Miami");
$result = str_replace("[$keyword]", $values, $text);
The result is every occurrence has "Array" for city. I need to replace all of the city occurrences with a random from $values. I want to do this the cleanest way possible. My solution so far is terrible (recursive). What is the best solution for this? Thank you!
You can use preg_replace_callback to execute a function for each match and return the replacement string:
$text = "Welcome to [city]. I want [city] to be a random version each time. [city] should not be the same [city] each time.";
$keyword = "[city]";
$values = array("Orlando", "Dallas", "Atlanta", "Detroit", "Tampa", "Miami");
$result = preg_replace_callback('/' . preg_quote($keyword) . '/',
function() use ($values){ return $values[array_rand($values)]; }, $text);
Sample $result
Welcome to Atlanta. I want Dallas to be a random version each time. Miami should not be the same Atlanta each time.