I have an UITextView which can have multiple lines. All I'm interested in is the position of the cursor on a certain line (where it doesn't matter whether first, second, third line etc.).
I've been logging UITextRange.start which gives me exactly what I need, namely the offset property:
cp <UITextPositionImpl: 0x6e93260> <<WebVisiblePosition: 0x6e92d00>(offset=5, context=([d|], [u+0064|u+0000])>
My question is how I get the offset=5 into a simply integer?
Here is my code:
UITextRange *caretPositionRange = textView.selectedTextRange;
NSLog(@"cp %@", caretPositionRange.start);
All I need would be something like int cp = caretPositionRange.start.offset which doesn't work.
to clarify, I'm particularly interested in the cursor position of each line, not the entire TextView. So this won't really work:
UITextRange *caretPositionRange = tv.selectedTextRange;
int caretPosition = [tv offsetFromPosition:tv.beginningOfDocument
as this would give me a different position for each line.
edit 2:
the answer below given by Jesse works really well. First time around, I got an EXC_BAD_EXCESS as I didn't check if startOfLine = nil, so keep in mind checking if it's not nil.
You'll need to ask the UITextView via its UITextInput methods. Something like this:
UITextPosition *pos = caretPositionRange.start;
id<UITextInputTokenizer> tokenizer = [textView tokenizer];
UITextPosition *startOfLine = [tokenizer positionFromPosition:pos
if (startOfLine != nil) {
// based on some experiments, startOfLine may be nil for, eg, empty text views
// the next line crashes if you pass nil, so we check first
NSUInteger offset = [textView offsetFromPosition:startOfLine