I have a program that accesses a WCF Web Service I have running via HTTP.
The program needs to login and the login process is this:
Get Staff List from WebService.
Gets Drivers List from Webservice.
Gets Vehcile list from web service.
logged in.
I would like to update the progress after each stage. So I thought I would chain them via the IAsycnhResult methods..
However when I try and update the progress from these handlecallback methods, i get an error:
The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
ASreference.Service1Client client = new ASreference.Service1Client();
private void login()
//User has already entered username/password
AsyncCallback CallBack = new AsyncCallback(HandleCallback);
client.BeginGetStaff(CallBack, client);
TxtboxPassword.IsEnabled = false;
TxtboxUsername.IsEnabled = false;
LblProgress.Content = "Logging In";
progress.Value = 10;
void HandleCallback(IAsyncResult result)
bool success = false;
Staff = client.EndGetStaff(result);
success = true;
MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password");
client = new ASreference.Service1Client();
if (success)
AsyncCallback CallBack = new AsyncCallback(DriversCallBack);
client.BeginGetDrivers(CallBack, client);
LblProgress.Content = "Downloading Drivers"; //CAUSES ERROR
progress.Value = 30;
How do you update the progress safely?
new Action(
LblProgress.Content = "Downloading Drivers";
progress.Value = 30;