Search code examples

searching a value in watch window

I'm debugging c# in visual studio

I added an object to the watch window

Given some value, is there any way to search which field holds this value?


  • I'm afraid there is no such built in search functionality in the VS2010 watch window (although the watch window has a lots of cool features).

    See also this unresolved question: Searching for text in an Object watch window in visual studio

    However there are some commercial extensions which offers that functionality.

    E.g.: Excerpt from the OzCode VS extension feature list:


    When debugging objects and collections, you are often looking for a specific property or field, or a value held within a property or field. Unfortunately, this usually involves either a lot of clicking and scrolling, or writing custom debug-specific code. Finding items even in simple structures is not easy, not to mention doing so in a complex object graph. With our “Search” feature, this is no longer the case.