I've just written an app with a nice photo gallery for iOS, now I'd like to do the same thing with my Android version of the app. I see that the Android Gallery API allows me to build a scrolling gallery of images. But what I really want is an apple-photo gallery style interface with a grid of thumbnails which, when tapped, open up a full screen display of the selected image and allows me to navigate through the photo gallery using swipes or left/right arrows on a tool bar.
In iOS I used the KTPhotoBrowser to achieve this interface, but I haven't been able to find anything like that for Android. Can anybody point me to a library, or even a tutorial with example code which will give me an interface like that without having to roll it myself?
Update: I've found the GridView Tutorial which describes how to put image thumbnails into a grid, seems to be the perfect thing. The Gallery API can be used for the full size photo browser as shown in @ariefbayu sample code (see link in comments below). It's not quite the same as the iPhone style gallery, but it's pretty good.
I've done this kind of interface. The basic is:
load images into GridView
, called SlideActivity
which extends 'Gallery' in full screen mode where this will:
and set current image to selectedLink to sample code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xk2oupma8zcxqpf/GridToGallery.zip