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Is it a security risk to include 'CSRF token' in pages requiring no authentication?

I have a Django Site that uses Django's csrf-token for protection against csrf attacks. One of the forms can be accessed by public, including people who have not logged in.

Csrf Token is supposed to give protection against cross domain requests.

Edit: (quote from my comment) "But, in case of post requests that are allowed without requiring authorization, csrf is no better than a trival spam filter(captcha would do better here). In fact, it should be a security risk to include CSRF token(that expire after say, 30 mins) in pages that require no authentication what so ever.(but my site is doing it, which is why I made this post in the first place)"

Also, in this case, one could just fetch that page in browser js console, get the csrf token through some specific xpath and then post some arbitrary data with that csrf. Also, steps being easily reproducible, one could design a specific attack for the site, or any Django site for that matter cause you'll find csrf token besides 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' every time (and that includes sites like reddit, pinterest etc.).

As far as I can see, apart from making it a little difficult, csrf token didn't help much.

Is there an aspect to it I am missing? Is my implementation wrong? and If I'am correct is it dumb to have your csrf token flying around in your html source(esp. those not requiring any authentication)?


  • This question has a really good couple of answers about the same thing. Also, the last answer on there addresses the fact that it technically would be possible to scrape the form for the token (via javascript), and then submit a post request with it (via javascript). But that the victim would have to be logged in.

    The point of the CSRF protection is to specifically prevent tricking a random user. It has nothing to do with client-side exploits. You also have to consider that part of the protection includes denying cross-site origin requests. The request would have to come from the same origin as the target site.

    Bottom line, CSRF has value. Its a region of protection, but its not the end all be all. And you can't defend against everything.

    Quote from a blog post about CSRF:

    Secret hidden form value. Send down a unique server form value with each form -- typically tied to the user session -- and validate that you get the same value back in the form post. The attacker can't simply scrape your remote form as the target user through JavaScript, thanks to same-domain request limits in the XmlHttpRequest function.

    ... And comments of interest:

    I'm not a javascript wizard, but is it possible to load a remote page in a hidden iframe on the malicious page, parse it with javascript to find the hidden token and then populate the form the user is (presumably) about to submit with the right values?

    • David Goodwin on September 24, 2008 2:35 AM

    @David Goodwin: No, the same-origin policy would prevent the malicious page from reading the contents of the iframe.

    • Rico on September 24, 2008 3:03 AM