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How do I generate data for Google Visualizations on the server using WebSharper

My goal is to be able to generate data for a Google Visualizations on the server, and then pass it to the client as java script so that it can be rendered as a line chart. My example below compiles correctly, but produces an error when rendered in a browser. What do I need to do to get the DataCommon object to render correctly as java script, after it has been built on the server?

namespace Website

open System

type Action =
    | Test

module Page =
    open System.Web
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Sitelets
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Html

    let Page title body : Content<Action> =       
        PageContent (fun context -> 
            { Page.Default with
                Title = Some(title)
                Body = body context

module Chart =
    open System

    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Html
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Google
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Google.Visualization
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Google.Visualization.Base
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.EcmaScript

    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Web

    let RandomData () =

        let random = new Random()

        let valueCount = 100
        let maxValue = 300
        let seriesCount = random.Next(5)

        let data = new Base.DataTable()
        |> ignore        

        let addSeries index =
            let name = sprintf "Series %d" index
            data.addColumn(ColumnType.NumberType, name)
            |> ignore

            Seq.init valueCount (fun index -> random.Next(maxValue))
            |> Seq.iteri (fun valueIndex value -> data.setValue(index, valueIndex, value) |> ignore)

        [0 .. seriesCount]
        |> List.iter addSeries


    type LineChart( data : DataCommon, title ) =    
        inherit Web.Control()

        override this.Body = 
            let div = 
                Div [] 
                |>! OnAfterRender (fun container ->
                    let visualization = new Visualizations.LineChart(container.Dom)
                    let options = {
                        Visualizations.LineChartOptions.Default with
                            width = 400.0
                            height = 240.0
                            legend = Visualizations.LegendPosition.Bottom
                            title = title
                    visualization.draw(data, options))
            div :> _

module Site =
    open Chart
    open Page

    open IntelliFactory.Html
    open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Sitelets

    let TestPage =
        Page "Test" (fun (context : Context<Action>) -> 
            Div [Text "Test"]
            Div [new Chart.LineChart(RandomData(), "Test Chart")]

    let Main =
        Sitelet.Sum [
            Sitelet.Content "/" Test TestPage

open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Sitelets
type Website() =    
    interface IWebsite<Action> with
        member this.Sitelet = Site.Main
        member this.Actions = [Test]

[<assembly: WebsiteAttribute(typeof<Website>)>]
do ()


  • Your RandomData function runs on the server. You are therefore constructing JavaScript-only DataTable objects on the server - the result of doing this is generally undefined.

    You should:

    1. Mark the server-side function that generates data with [<Remote>].
    2. Move UI construction to the client-side code annotated [<JavaScript>].
    3. Call the remote function from the client-side - this will use AJAX to get the data. It is good practice to async.Return from your remote function so as not to block the browser.

    Check the Remoting page or the relevant section of the manual for more information.

    Alternatively, you can pass the data to the constructor of your Control object and access it from the Body member. This will serialize the data during HTML generation and avoid the need for an AJAX call - this is useful for generating static HTML sites, for example.