I ran into some problems while trying to count items.
Imagine the following domain classes
class Book {
String name
class Author {
String name
static hasMany = [books:Book]
How do I get a list of Authors sorted by number of Books?
here's my try:
def c = Author.createCriteris()
c.list {
projections {
count 'books', 'numBooks'
groupProperty 'id'
order 'numBooks', 'desc'
but somehow I get only unusable results... and I don't know how to join the Author objects to the rsult list.... :-(
got something!
I still don't know how to do it with a criteria, but by switching to HQL, I succeeded.
So if someone comes up with a criteria solution, he will still get the bonus for the correct answer :-)
here is my query:
a, size(a.books) as numBooks
Author a
group by
order by
numBooks DESC
This query isn't efficient, since it fetches all Authors in a loop, but that's ok for now.