Firstly I've tried looking everywhere, and was unsuccessful. I am inexperienced and appreciate any help at all. I'm trying to write a script to drag a folder onto a batch file, which will then convert all images in that folder to jpgs, using ImageMagick. I can see it's very possible to execute the script on the command line, that all works fine. But to drag a folder is giving me issues. I can drag many files onto the script and it converts fine:
convert %* %1.jpg
that works great. I can also drag a folder, and it will convert the images inside, but rename then as the name of the folder, one directory higher, like so:
@set SOURCE=%1
convert %SOURCE%\* %SOURCE%.jpg
I imagine i need a for loop performing the convert on every file in the folder. But I have run into problems. I'm unsure where to put quotes, and what variables to use, and how to overcome spaces. I imagine something like this...
for %%f in (%SOURCE%\*) do ( convert %%f "%SOURCE%\%%f.jpg" )
But yeah, I'm at a loss. I'm trying this little project both to learn, and also to help my dad convert large amounts of his photos quickly.
It sounds like ImageMagick can take multiple input arguments and one output argument, but to simplify it with one file at a time try the following. Your loop looks right but the ~ changes below will handle quotes.
You may also want to change the %%a* match to be particular files so you don't catch existing jpgs or non-image files, e.g. for %%f in (%%a*.png %%a*.gif) do ...
Finally, add an "echo" in front of the two convert lines so you can do a test run.
@echo off
rem Loops through arguments. If a file converts it to a jpg. If a directory
rem converts files in that directory to jpgs. Assumes a program "convert".
set count=0
for %%a in (%*) do (
if exist %%a (
if exist %%a\ (
rem Directory, loop through contents
for %%f in (%%a\*) do (
convert "%%f" "%%~a\%%~nf.jpg"
set /a count+=1
) else (
rem File, just convert
convert "%%~a" "%%~na.jpg"
set /a count+=1
) else (
echo Skipping non-existent %%~a
echo Converted %count% files