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SubSonic DAL, assembly not found?

I have generated a DAL layer with Subsonic2.2 for a .NET4.0 application, using c# and mysql. Yet when I use a Collection, i have this exception on this line:

AnagraficaCategorieCollection a = new AnagraficaCategorieCollection().Load();

telling me that it cannot load or find assembly MySql.Data, version

My project references a newer version. How can I possibly solve that?


  • The solution is to use an assembly redirect, which tells the framework to use a newer version of MySql.Data. To add the redirection, put this in your web/app.config:

      <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
          <assemblyIdentity name="MySql.Data" publicKeyToken="c5687fc88969c44d" culture="neutral" />
          <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

    Note that you may need to change the version numbers to match your current assembly.