I am using GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2010-05-08 on G41R2F1
I find that I inadvertently get C-mouse-down-1 events, which pop up the buffer menu (laptop touch pad, that otherwise performs perfectly in respect of touch sensitivity).
I found out this is the cause by asking "where is mouse-buffer-menu" and emacs told me:
mouse-buffer-menu is on
I haven't been able to find a way to tell global-unset-key to unset this:
(global-unset-key "\C-mouse-down-1") ; from googling
(global-unset-key "C-mouse-down-1") ; logical guess
both throw errors.
There are no C-mouse-down-* events: did you mean C-mouse-1?
Try: (global-unset-key [C-mouse-1]) - works for me on Emacs 23.3 running on OSX.