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What does the Text DFM context menu option mean?

When you right click on a Delphi form you get the popup context menu. The bottom option is Text DFM. This option can either be checked or not checked. What does it mean when this option is checked or unchecked?

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  • This option is used to select the format used to save your form (in binary or text format).

    If you use the text DFM option, the form (dfm file) will be stored in a text format like so

    object Form1: TForm1
      Left = 451
      Top = 290
      Caption = 'Form38'
      ClientHeight = 300
      ClientWidth = 635
      Color = clBtnFace
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      Font.Color = clWindowText
      Font.Height = -11
      Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
      Font.Style = []
      OldCreateOrder = False
      PixelsPerInch = 96
      TextHeight = 13