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Unexpected exception upon serializing continuation

I get this error: Unexpected exception upon serializing continuation (not much help)

It is caused by the FetchUrlApp.fetch(); call. I akm using Google Apps Script for Sites, not Google Spreadsheets. The code works in the original instance but as soon as I copy and paste the code into a new project I get the above error message. I am accessing Google Docs APIs. I have read on other forums that I need authorization but I have been unable to gain the right authorization for the code to work. No prompt ever pops up when I run a copy of the code for the first time.

Code exert:

var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("docs");

var requestData3 = {
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": {"GData-Version": "3.0"},
  "oAuthServiceName": "docs",
  "oAuthUseToken": "always",

var url = "" + userName + "/private/full/-/mine"; 
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, requestData3); //error occurs, any thoughts?

Thank you in advance, James Krimm


  • You have to set both consumerKey and consumerSecret to "anonymous" in order to trigger the 3-legged OAuth process:


    Replace your two lines with these and the authorization popup dialog will show up, allowing the user to grant access to its documents.