How do I remove a multiline comment using groovy?
/* Use groovy replaceAll regex to
remove this comment */
I read-in the above text from a file, to a file object, and then I convert it into a string. And if the comment spans a single line, I can remove it using the replaceAll method as posted below:
def file = new File('myfile')
def fileString = file.getText()
println fileString.replaceAll('/\\* .* \\*/','')
I have tried to use the (?m) flag, but I can't get it to recognize my pattern. I have tried the following statements and they all fail to match my pattern.
fileString.replaceAll('(?m)/\\* (.*) \\*/' ,'') #multiline switch
fileString.replaceAll('(/\\*)(.|\n\r)*(\\*/)' ,'') #match all .* (include \n\r)
I thought about using the DotAll, the (\s) at the end, and ${}. But, I am not sure how to effectively mix it into the regular expression. Any help would be welcomed. Thanks.
Try this expression:
doesn't make .
match new lines, (?s)
does that.