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git freezing at push while compressing objects

hi I'm using Github to push some files from my local server to my Github repository. I accidentally included a 500Mb video file in the commit and I think this totally screwed up the add/commit/push.

Specifically, my command stalls at the push like this:

git push -u myGithubRepository master
Counting objects: 52, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects:  97% (36/37) 

It's been many hours and is still stuck.

I'd like to commit all the other changes I made so I don't want to revert back to what's on my Github repository. I just want to resolve this conflict. I'm a Git novice so please take it easy on me.

thanks, tim


  • @torek was correct, "It's not actually frozen, it's just going to take a very long time to compress that giant object."