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Sinatra Padrino simple App does not run

I have written a few plain Sinatra apps using data mapper.

I wanted to try Padrino.

Went to

On the front page there is

gem install padrino
padrino g project myapp -d datamapper -b
cd myapp
padrino g admin
padrino rake dm:migrate seed
padrino start

All those commands seemed to work smoothly. Then when I type padrino start, it runs webrick (Is that right?) but nothing works - all requests are treated as 404s. Padrino 0.10.6

I'm sure its something simple. I have data mapper working in other apps. I am on OS X 10.7, using ruby 1.9.2. Any ideas on what's wrong?

Bonus question - is there a discussion forum for padrino?

 Snow-Pro:magnus tandersen$ padrino start
  => Padrino/0.10.6 has taken the stage development at
 [2012-06-08 11:16:02] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
 [2012-06-08 11:16:02] INFO  ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [x86_64-darwin11.3.0]
 [2012-06-08 11:16:02] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=39918 port=3000
  DEBUG -      GET (0.0241ms) / - 404 Not Found
 DEBUG -      GET (0.0136ms) /__sinatra__/404.png - 304 Not Modified


  • Try to go to
