This is a counterpart to same question (but with AutoMapper). I use ValueInjecter and am interested if there is a solution.
Simplified code example:
// get a list of viewModels for the grid.
// NOTE: sort parameter is flattened property of the model (e.g. "CustomerInvoiceAmount" -> "Customer.Invoice.Amount"
// QUESTION: how do I get original property path so I can pass it to my repository for use with Dynamic LINQ?
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string sort)
var models = _repo.GetAll(sort) // get a list of domain models
var dto = _mapper.MapToDto(models); // get a list of view models that are flattened via dto.InjectFrom<FlatLoopValueInjection>(models);
var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
return response;
Well, I was able to cobble something up but would really like some input from community (and perhaps from @Chuck Norris, who wrote ValueInjecter)...
So to restate the issue....
So if a Company
has property called President
of type Employee
, and Employee
has property called HomeAddress
of type Address
, and Address
has string property called Line1
" will be flattened to property called "PresidentHomeAddressLine1
" on your view model.
In order to user server side sorting Dynamic Linq needs dotted property path, not flattened one. I need ValueInjecter to unflatten the flat property only! not entire class.
Here is what I came up with (relevant logic extracted from a method that does other things:
// type is type of your unflattened domain model.
// flatProperty is property name in your flattened view model
public string GetSortExpressionFor(Type type, string flatPropertyPath)
if (type == null || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flatPropertyPath))
return String.Empty;
// use ValueInjecter to find unflattened property
var trails = TrailFinder.GetTrails(flatPropertyPath, type.GetInfos(), typesMatch => true).FirstOrDefault();
var unflatPropertyPath = (trails != null && trails.Any()) ? String.Join(".", trails) : String.Empty;
return unflatPropertyPath;
// sample usage
var unflatPropertyPath = GetSortExpressionFor(typeof(Company), "PresidentHomeAddressLine1");
// unflatPropertyPath == "President.HomeAddress.Line1"