I've got some issues with this heap of a junk browser IE and it is preventing me from using any addons to debug the issue(s).
If someone could be kind enough to take a look and let me know the problem please that would be ace.
Please see this site (it's only testing domain so I know there are tons of other problems on it) - 009rep.clubnetdev.com.
Hover over the 'Sale' item in the top navigation menu (whilst in IE9) and within the 2nd column, there appears to be a vertical line (border) randomly floating there (see screenshot below). I'm initially thinking it has something to do with the CSS psuedo classes first-child and last-child defined within this dropdown but if anyone can have a look and confirm what the problem is, I would really appreciate it - thanks.
screenshot http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/7606/pick.png
Displays fine in all other non IE browsers (as expected).
Thanks in advance.
menurep.css, line 176
.col_1 {width:145px; border-right: 1px solid #888;}
The width 145px is causing this, as in the other dropdowns you use it for the text links on the left.
I would give this instance a different class so it doesn't get the right border applied to it at all.
One way you could do this is to target this specific column via its parent:
.dropdown_1column .col_1 { border:0 }
I also notice that all your .col_*
classes have display:inline
and float:left;
applied which are conflicting statements as floating makes an element block anyway.
If you can't change any of the above easily, you may want to try z-index on this specific instance but I think this may cause other issues.