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How to get/set/update registry value through group policy cmdlet of Windows PowerShell?

I have configured the EventForwarding Manually but I was wondeing If I could do it programmatically and I came across the Group Policy Cmdlets which seems to be the solution. Here is what I am trying to configure manually in the image below.

Event Forwarding Policy Config

When I run the Get-GPO -all cmdlet I don't see any GPOs related to Event Forwarding. However when I ran the Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy with the specified path of an XML file, I got to see my configuration of the Subscription manager of the Event Forwarding.

Question 1: Why isn't the event forwarding policy shown in Get-GPO -all result?

Question 2: How to find out the GUID of the policy I need so I can use the Get-GPRegistryValue? besides providing the Key (which I was able to find and verfiy that it has my configuration that I have done through the gpedit.msc UI.

Question 3: How to figure out the display name of the policy in question? I tried the following:

PS C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions> Get-GPRegistryValue -Name SubscriptionManager -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies

Where I tried for the Name attribute different things like : "EventForwarding", "EventForward", "SubscriptionManager" and even "Configure target Subscription Manager". And here is what I got :

***Get-GPRegistryValue : The command cannot be completed because a GPO that is named "SubscriptionManager" was not found
in the domain. Make sure that the GPO that is specified by the Name parameter exists in
the domain that is specified for the cmdlet. Then, run the command again.
Parameter name: Name
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-GPRegistryValue -Name SubscriptionManager -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\P ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Microsoft.Group...tryValueCommand:GetGPRegistryValueCommand) [Get-GPReg
   istryValue], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GpoWithNameNotFound,Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Commands.GetGPRegistryValueCommand***

Any Help regarding any of the three related questions would be appreciated.


As you can see in the image below, when I manually configure taregt subscription manager, I get the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager in the registry. My question for now is simple, how can I do that with cmdlets? All what I tried so far didn't create that key for me in the registry , NOT the AD.



  • Sorry not sure to understand what you do. Here is a full example :

    PS C:\silogix> Import-Module grouppolicy
    PS C:\silogix> New-GPO -Name "MyGPO" | New-GPLink -target "OU=SousMonou,OU=MonOu,DC=dom,DC=fr" `
                           -linkenabled yes
    GpoId       : f31df409-ca35-47cd-b699-52426e2bd196
    DisplayName : MyGPO
    Enabled     : True
    Enforced    : False
    Target      : OU=SousMonou,OU=MonOu,DC=dom,DC=fr
    Order       : 1
    PS C:\silogix> get-gpo -all
    DisplayName      : Default Domain Policy
    DomainName       :
    Owner            : DOM\Admins du domaine
    Id               : 31b2f340-016d-11d2-945f-00c04fb984f9
    GpoStatus        : AllSettingsEnabled
    Description      :
    CreationTime     : 16/09/2010 21:07:03
    ModificationTime : 09/09/2011 21:04:06
    UserVersion      : AD Version: 0, SysVol Version: 0
    ComputerVersion  : AD Version: 11, SysVol Version: 11
    WmiFilter        :
    DisplayName      : Default Domain Controllers Policy
    DomainName       :
    Owner            : DOM\Admins du domaine
    Id               : 6ac1786c-016f-11d2-945f-00c04fb984f9
    GpoStatus        : AllSettingsEnabled
    Description      :
    CreationTime     : 16/09/2010 21:07:03
    ModificationTime : 06/06/2012 17:58:00
    UserVersion      : AD Version: 0, SysVol Version: 0
    ComputerVersion  : AD Version: 4, SysVol Version: 4
    WmiFilter        :
    DisplayName      : MyGPO
    DomainName       :
    Owner            : DOM\Admins du domaine
    Id               : f31df409-ca35-47cd-b699-52426e2bd196
    GpoStatus        : AllSettingsEnabled
    Description      :
    CreationTime     : 08/06/2012 07:04:16
    ModificationTime : 08/06/2012 07:04:16
    UserVersion      : AD Version: 0, SysVol Version: 0
    ComputerVersion  : AD Version: 0, SysVol Version: 0
    PS C:\silogix> Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "MyGPO" -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager -value "Server=https://EVTCPT:5986/wsman/SubscriptionManager/WEC" -t
    ype String
    PS C:\silogix> Get-GPRegistryValue -name "MyGPO" -Key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager"
    KeyPath     : SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager
    FullKeyPath : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager
    Hive        : LocalMachine
    PolicyState : Set
    Value       : Server=https://EVTCPT:5986/wsman/SubscriptionManager/WEC
    Type        : String
    ValueName   : 1
    HasValue    : True

    So you can see it in GPMC.MSC. enter image description here