I have a json which has date as 2012-06-07T00:29:47.000
and has to be deserialized.
But on
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(type);
return (object)serializer.ReadObject(Util.GetMemoryStreamFromString(json));
I get below exception
There was an error deserializing the object of type System.Collections.Generic.List`1
[[MyNameSpace.MyClass, MyNameSpace, Version=1.0.4541.23433, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].
DateTime content '2012-06-07T00:29:47.000' does not start with '\/Date(' and end with ')\/' as required for JSON
It is working in windows mobile 7
but the same code is not working in windows 8.
It is expecting date format as \/Date(1337020200000+0530)\/
instead of 2012-06-07T00:29:47.000
Does it require custom serialization if yes then how?
And I can't use JSON.NET
I'm bound to use DataContractJsonSerializer
and I can't change the format of the JSON as the same JSON is used for android.
I'm new in .net.
Use one string property for serialisation/deserialisation, and a separate, non-serialised property that converts it to a DateTime. Easier to see some sample code:
public class LibraryBook
[DataMember(Name = "ReturnDate")]
// This can be private because it's only ever accessed by the serialiser.
private string FormattedReturnDate { get; set; }
// This attribute prevents the ReturnDate property from being serialised.
// This property is used by your code.
public DateTime ReturnDate
// Replace "o" with whichever DateTime format specifier you need.
// "o" gives you a round-trippable format which is ISO-8601-compatible.
get { return DateTime.ParseExact(FormattedReturnDate, "o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
set { FormattedReturnDate = value.ToString("o"); }
You could do the parsing in the setter of FormattedReturnDate instead, to allow it to fail earlier if a bad date is received.
Edited to include GôTô's suggestion to give the serialised DataMember the right name.