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stopPropagation() "Prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree" : what does it means?

I don't really understand what e.stopPropagation() do.

If I have a link using return false to the handler I should get what I want (prevent the default link behaviour, so it doesnt "call" the next href location) :

<a id="myLink" href="">Go to google</a>​

$('#myLink').click(function (e) {
    alert("No, you don't go to Google");
    return false;

Adding e.stopPropagation() what can I get? Can you give to me a solid example showing to me what e.stopPropagation() can do?


  • Easy, stopPropagation stops any events bubbling up to its container, its container's container etc etc.

    Here's a live example:


    <div id="container">
        <button id="propagate">Propagate</button>
        <button id="nopropagate">Do not Propagate</button>

    and js:

       console.log('container click') ;

    Clicking the button title "propagate" (default behaviour) will write "propagate click" and "containerclick" to the console. Clicking the button which includes a call to e.stopPropagation() will not print the "container click" message as propagation up to the container has been halted.