Im the process of learning C++. I got stuck debugging some of my code on VC++, with the following error-
Debug Error
*path to filename.exe*
Invalid allocation size:429496723 bytes.
The error precisely occurs when the debugger reaches the following block: EDIT: Ive added the entire main function to help check if maxlen is taking on any unexpected values(none that I notice though)
int main(){
vector <Student_info> students;
Student_info record;
string::size_type maxlen=0;// length of the longest name
//read and store all the students data.
//maxlen contains the length of the name of the longest student.
while (read(cin,record)){
// find the length of the longest name
//add the student record to the vector.
//arrange the records alphabetically.
sort(students.begin(),students.end(),compare);// this may look weird but the fact that the names have to be compared is checked using the predicate.
//write out the names and grades.
for(vector<Student_info>::size_type i =0;i!=students.size();i++){
//padding to ensure that there is vertical alignment.
cout<<students[i].name<<string(maxlen+1-students[i].name.size(),' ');// debugger stops here!
//compute grade.
double final_grade=grade(students[i]);
streamsize prec=cout.precision();
catch(domain_error e){
//catch error if hw vector is empty!
return 0;
You might look at the line:
Is it possible that you meant:
maxlen = max(maxlen,;