I am trying in eclipse Indigo to change the JavaDoc location for Google APIs [4.0.3] maps.jar from [android-sdk-path]/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google_inc_-15/docs/reference/ to [android-sdk-path]/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google_inc_-15/docs/maps_apis/, where it is actually located. Klicking "Validating..." finds the JavaDoc.
But when I save an close the dialog, my changes are lost and next time, when I check the JavaDoc location, the original location is shown again.
Does anybody know how the location of the JavaDoc can be changed? Seems to be configured by the Google APIs [4.0.3] library container, but I have no idea how this can be changed.
I see the same behaviour in my Windows 7 and my Linux machine. And this also happens only, when I want to change the Javadoc Location of the maps.jar or effects.jar. Therefore I don't think, it is a Problem with my installation (eclispse platform 3.7.0, android devtools 16.0.1)
I have the same problem on multiple machines. I have no problems changing the JavaDoc path for other JARs, but if I try to change any of the "Google APIs" JAR files, the setting is not persisted. I'm able to set it, validate it, press Ok, go back in and it is reset back to the old setting.
I ended up just creating a folder link that mapped the new "maps_apis" folder to "reference" and now it works. On a Windows computer, you can go to the "add-ons\addon-google_apis-google_inc_-15\docs" folder in a console window and and run...
mklink reference maps_apis
I suppose you could also just copy all the files from the maps_apis folder to a reference folder. Until a better solution comes along, this is good enough for now.