In windows when you click on an icon on your desktop, the icon darkens with a shade that is based on your windows theme that is currently used.
I have a custom control that displays an image. I would like to have the same functionality as the windows icon click. How do I obtain the same result in WinForms by selecting my custom control?
Right now I'm using the following code... if anyone has something better, I'll be glad to change it!
private void drawAndShadeTheImage(Graphics g)
//if the image is null then there is nothing to do.
if (Image != null)
Bitmap bitMap = new Bitmap(Image);
//if this control is selected, shade the image to allow the user to
//visual identify what is selected.
if (ContainsFocus)
//The delta is the percentage of change in color shading of
//the image.
int delta = 70;
//zero is the lowest value (0 - 255) that can be represented by
//a color component.
int zero = 0;
//Get each pixel in the image and shade it.
for (int y = 0; y < bitMap.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bitMap.Width; x++)
Color oColor = bitMap.GetPixel(x, y);
//Lime is the background color on the image and should
//always be transparent, if this check is removed the
//background will be displayed.
if (oColor.ToArgb() != Color.Lime.ToArgb())
int oR = oColor.R - delta < zero ? zero :
oColor.R - delta;
int oG = oColor.G - delta < zero ? zero :
oColor.G - delta;
int oB = oColor.B - delta < zero ? zero :
oColor.B - delta;
int oA = oColor.A - delta < zero ? zero :
oColor.A - delta;
Color nColor = Color.FromArgb(oA, oR, oG, oB);
bitMap.SetPixel(x, y, nColor);
//Make the background of the image transparent.
g.DrawImage(bitMap, this.ClientRectangle);