I want only to refresh the tree if there are no children.. ie:
$.jstree._reference("#f").get_checked(-1, true).each(function(index,element)
right now this triggers refreshing the tree every time that I finish removing nodes with the checkbox plugin, but I wish that I didn't need to see the loading every time, but only if there is no nodes... when that happens a table gets recreated so I just need to worry about triggering the event when that happens.
Any assistance would be very welcomed!
Thanks ,
case "remove":
$.jstree._reference("#{$id[$k]}").get_checked(-1, true).each(function(index,element){
// only refresh if we are taking the first node displayed... it's going to recreate it in the backend.
if( $(element).attr("id") == $("div.jstree > ul > li").first().attr("id") )