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primefaces dataexport from table with column content in ui:repeat

I have a master detail resultset that I present on a datatable.

The detail is fetched and rendered within to be combined into a single output string that remains in one column.

  <f:facet name="header">BF Order Contents</f:facet>
  <ui:repeat value="#{order.listOfOrderDetails}" var="orderitem" varStatus="orderitemstatus" >
    <h:outputText value="#{}-#{}#{orderitemstatus.last ? '':', '}" />

On the datatable, that column displays as "Some Brand-Some Product, Other Brand-Other Product"

But when I export to EXCEL, I see:


in that column.

Does anyone have any idea about how I can overcome this (within xhtml only). I don't want to alter the backing bean to produce the detail string.

BTW: I'm on PF3.2, Mojarra 2.1.8, EL 2.2.1-b04, JDK1.7, Tomcat7



  • I really don't think its possible , even with overriding the exporter class in the primefaces sources it will be way to complicated...

    You probably better alter the backing bean

    Also, you can add a star on a bit related an issue opened by me Feature request: Datatables custom filter function - filterFunction (like sortFunction for sort)