I am using php 5.2 version and I have installed mongodb driver in zend server. Also Added extension parameter in php.ini file i.e extesnions=mongoddb.dll.
however when I run phpinfo page on my local machine, there is no mongodb details displayed.
Any idea, how to install mongodb driver on zendserver, pls. guide me
I would check that you have the correct path to the php.ini used by Zend Server .. by default this should be:
C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\etc\php.ini
You can confirm this by creating a test.php containing:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
View test.php (as served through Zend Server) in a web browser and search for "Configuration File (php.ini) Path" to verify the ini path.
The additional line to add to php.ini is:
Assuming you download the correct 32- or 64-bit Windows zip from: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/downloads
.. you'll want to copy & rename the appropriate DLL from the zip, which should be similar to:
php_mongo-1.2.10-5.2-vc9-nts.dll => C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\lib\php_extensions\php_mongo.dll
After installing the extension and restarting Zend Server, would suggest you revisit the test.php (phpinfo) output to confirm the "mongo" extension is now enabled.