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(Rails) Creating multi-dimensional hashes/arrays from a data set...?

I'm having a bit of an issue wrapping my head around something. I'm currently using a hacked version of Gruff in order to accommodate "Scatter Plots". That said, the data is entered in the form of:"Person1",[12,32,34,55,23],[323,43,23,43,22])

...where the first item is the ENTITY, the second item is X-COORDs, and the third item is Y-COORDs.

I currently have a recordset of items from a table with the columns: POINT, VALUE, TIMESTAMP. Due to the "complex" calculations involved I must grab everything using a single query or risk way too much DB activity. That said, I have a list of items for which I need to dynamically collect all data from the recordset into a hash (or array of arrays) for the creation of the data items. I was thinking something like the following:

 e = Events.find_by_sql(my_query)
 e.each do |event|
      @h["#{event.Point}"][x] = event.timestamp
      @h["#{event.Point}"][y] = event.value

Obviously that's not the correct syntax, but that's where my brain is going. Could someone clean this up for me or suggest a more appropriate mechanism by which to accomplish this? Basically the main goal is to keep data for each pointname grouped (but remember the recordset has them all).

Much appreciated.


g ="600x350")
g.title =

e = Event.find_by_sql(@sql)

h ={}

e.each do |event|
  h[event.Point.to_s] ||= {}

h.each do |p| p[1].values.inspect[0],p[1].keys,p[1].values)



  • First off, don't use string interpolation when a simple o.to_s will do.


    The structure of your data is not clear from the description. I think you mean that there 1) there are events with Point names 2) each event has a time and a value 3) you want to manipulate a collection of events.

    A hash is a fine choice for the problem.