One of my sites requires python and cherrypy. Locally, I need to get all of this running with MAMP. I have the site running in MAMP with the exception of features reliant on Python. I need to run python 2.5. My OS version is 2.7.
How do I set this up? I seem to have 2.5 installed in addition to 2.7 and 2.6
which python
which python2.5
but the usr/bin/python2.5 is an alias to: System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/bin/python2.5
How do I make python2.5 available to MAMP without screwing up the vers OSX needs?
It's a drupal site, MAMP is handling everything php related, and perhaps I wrongfully assumed it needed to have anything to do with the python scripts of the site. As I read more about cherrypy, it seems cherrypy serves the python scripts, and I do have cherrypy running (localhost:8080 test works anyway), so perhaps all I need to do is make sure python2.5 is being used instead of the default? (2.7)
You've got the right idea. You definitely want to leave the OS python version alone. Or you could be breaking multiple dependencies. We launch our cherrypy instances in our rc.local script at boot. This is where you specify which version of python to use when executing your cherrypy app.
Our rc.local script looks like this:
/opt/Python-3.2/python /var/www/html/appname/ > stdout.log &