I am using android platform, from the following reference question I come to know that using AudioRecord class which returns raw data I can filter range of audio frequency depends upon my need but for that I will need algorithm, can somebody please help me out to find algorithm to filter range b/w 14,400 bph and 16,200 bph.
I tried "JTransform" but i don't know can I achieve this with JTransform or not ? Currently I am using "jfftpack" to display visual effects which works very well but i can't achieve audio filter using this.
help appreciated Thanks in advance. Following is my code as i mentioned above i am using "jfftpack" library to display you may find this library reference in the code please don't get confuse with that
private class RecordAudio extends AsyncTask<Void, double[], Void> {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
try {
final AudioRecord audioRecord = findAudioRecord();
if(audioRecord == null){
return null;
final short[] buffer = new short[blockSize];
final double[] toTransform = new double[blockSize];
while (started) {
final int bufferReadResult = audioRecord.read(buffer, 0, blockSize);
for (int i = 0; i < blockSize && i < bufferReadResult; i++) {
toTransform[i] = (double) buffer[i] / 32768.0; // signed 16 bit
} catch (Throwable t) {
Log.e("AudioRecord", "Recording Failed");
return null;
* @param toTransform
protected void onProgressUpdate(double[]... toTransform) {
for (int i = 0; i < toTransform[0].length; i++) {
int x = i;
int downy = (int) (100 - (toTransform[0][i] * 10));
int upy = 100;
canvas.drawLine(x, downy, x, upy, paint);
There are a lot of tiny details in this process that can potentially hang you up here. This code isn't tested and I don't do audio filtering very often so you should be extremely suspicious here. This is the basic process you would take for filtering audio:
I'm assuming you have some basic knowledge of Android and audio recording so will cover steps 4-6 here.
//it is assumed that a float array audioBuffer exists with even length = to
//the capture size of your audio buffer
//The size of the FFT will be the size of your audioBuffer / 2
int FFT_SIZE = bufferSize / 2;
FloatFFT_1D mFFT = new FloatFFT_1D(FFT_SIZE); //this is a jTransforms type
//Take the FFT
//The first 1/2 of audioBuffer now contains bins that represent the frequency
//of your wave, in a way. To get the actual frequency from the bin:
//frequency_of_bin = bin_index * sample_rate / FFT_SIZE
//assuming the length of audioBuffer is even, the real and imaginary parts will be
//stored as follows
//audioBuffer[2*k] = Re[k], 0<=k<n/2
//audioBuffer[2*k+1] = Im[k], 0<k<n/2
//Define the frequencies of interest
float freqMin = 14400;
float freqMax = 16200;
//Loop through the fft bins and filter frequencies
for(int fftBin = 0; fftBin < FFT_SIZE; fftBin++){
//Calculate the frequency of this bin assuming a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz
float frequency = (float)fftBin * 44100F / (float)FFT_SIZE;
//Now filter the audio, I'm assuming you wanted to keep the
//frequencies of interest rather than discard them.
if(frequency < freqMin || frequency > freqMax){
//Calculate the index where the real and imaginary parts are stored
int real = 2 * fftBin;
int imaginary = 2 * fftBin + 1;
//zero out this frequency
audioBuffer[real] = 0;
audioBuffer[imaginary] = 0;
//Take the inverse FFT to convert signal from frequency to time domain
mFFT.realInverse(audioBuffer, false);