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How to get a smaller tail with a bunch of CAEmitterCells (fade out and/or scale down)

I have a CAEmitterLayer animated along a bezierPath and my CEEMitterCell particles are made with an partly transparent gaussed-circle.png. these particles have a lifetime of 0.3 which leads to a small tail of my animated CAEmitterLayer-Particles. I need to have the tail becoming smaller at the end and have the cells fade out to alpha = 0 over lifetime. I tried different combinations of parameter settings and I din't get it to work. I just made the end of the tail fatter, looking ugly wrong. please, what are the necessary parameter settings here? Is this even possible with CAEmitterCells?


  • You should be able to achieve this usin alpha and size of the cells. Look at the scaleSpeed. You could also look at alternative renderMode values in your emitter layer