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Extra whitespace around content_for value

I need to give my body tag a page-specific id to better target css selectors.

To this end I have set up the following in my application.erb layout:

<body id="<%= content_for :page_id %>">

Inside a page's view I can then do this:

<% content_for :page_id do %>
<% end %>

The problem is that I am getting extra whitespace returned around the returned value resulting in the rendered body tag looking like this:

<body id="    some-page-id " >

This prevents the id from working. I have a workaround in place where I do this:

<% body_id = content_for :page_id %>
<body id="<%= body_id.strip %>">

But is there a way to fix this so that content_for returns its value without extra whitespace? What is causing this extra whitespace to be returned?


  • What is causing this extra whitespace to be returned?

    The space

    <% content_for :page_id do %>
    <% end %>

    You could try this:

    <%- content_for :page_id do -%>
    <%- end -%>