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Are Strange Strings in URLs normal for Refinery?

So I have this site I'm moving from inhouse servers due to the age of the servers. While in the process of moving the site, I noticed that the images have strange strings in the URLs, such as

<img src="/system/images/BAhbBlsHOgZmIiwyMDExLzExLzIyLzEyXzIyXzI3XzkwOV9OZXdzX2Jhbm5lci5qcGc/News-banner.jpg" title="News Banner" alt="News Banner" rel="225x255" width="909" height="303">

<img class="image-align-left" src="/system/images/BAhbB1sHOgZmIjUyMDExLzEyLzIxLzA5XzMzXzQ1XzUzM19XaWxsb3VnaGJ5U3VwcGx5TG9nby5wbmdbCDoGcDoKdGh1bWIiDTExMHgxMTA+/WilloughbySupplyLogo.png" width="83" height="89">

I checked the filestructure, both on the old servers and on the new servers, and those paths do NOT show up anywhere.

It's causing problems where I moving the sites to, shown in the fact that the images don't show up at all. At first, I thought installing ImageMagick would fix it, and for one of the three sites, it did, but the other two sites still have VERY broken images.

Can someone explain why the images have such weird strings in the URLs, and how I can fix it?


  • These URLs are from Dragonfly which is the Image processing library that Refinery uses.

    What this URL does is encode job instructions for how to process the image that you are requesting. These instructions can be many things such as resize, crop, watermark, distort in some way. This means that you can request the same image with different instructions and it will appear differently each time.

    For more information the Dragonfly URL documentation is a good read