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ThreadPool is to Executor like Polling is to?

Java's Executor is (as far as I understand it) an abstraction over the ThreadPool concept - something that can accept and carry out (execute) tasks.

I'm looking for a similar exception for the Polling concept. I need to continuously poll (dequeue) items out of a specific Queue (which does not implement BlockingQueue), execute them and sleep, and repeat all this until shutdown.

Is there a ready-made abstraction or should I write something on my own?

(Suggestions of a better title are welcome)


  • Polling is easy:

    Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                while (!t.isInterrupted()) {
                   Object item;
                   while ((item = queue.take()) == null) {//does not block
                       synchronized (lock) { lock.wait(1000L) } //spin on a lock
                   //item is not null
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { }

    Perhaps you need to rephrase your question as I'm not quite sure exactly what it is you are trying to do?