When the global application controller is loaded first, the namespaced application controller does not load when loading pages within that namespace. The application controller looks like this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
And the namespaced application controller looks like this:
class Admin::ApplicationController < ApplicationController
def authenticate_admin!
if current_admin.nil?
redirect_to new_admin_session_url
def current_admin
@current_admin ||= Admin.find(session[:admin_id]) if session[:admin_id]
helper_method :current_admin
When we use the before_filter "authenticate_admin!" like this:
class Admin::AssetsController < Admin::ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_admin!
A "NoMethodError in Admin::AssetsController#new" is thrown. This only occurs when we hit the global route before the namespaced route. If the server is restarted and the namespaced route is loaded first everything works properly.
This is happening because you also happen to have an Admin
model (a Class) with the same name as your namespace.
This Google group thread provides a good explanation of what exactly is happening.
To fix, I would either rename the model to AdminUser
or if that is not a possibility, renaming the namespace will also fix the issue.